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Report an Incident

Vanderbilt provides a number of reporting forms for community members and others to share important information with University officials regarding incidents involving students or students exhibiting concerning behaviors. If this is an emergency and you need to report an imminent threat to or life-endangering situation involving a student, please call the Vanderbilt University Police Department at (615) 421-1911 or 911 prior to completing one of the reporting forms below. The reporting forms on this page are not designed as an emergency response notification process.

Report a Student of Concern or Refer a Student for Increased Support

This Student of Concern Reporting Form should be used to provide information about a student who is exhibiting behaviors that are of concern in relation to their personal, physical, or emotional wellbeing; to provide information about a student who is experiencing a triggering event; and/or when you believe a student could benefit from increased support. For more information on assisting students of concern and what happens once this form is submitted, please visit the Helping Others tab on the Student Care Network web page. Reports made using this form are referred to the Student Care Coordination for review.

Report Sexual Harassment or Sexual Misconduct

This Incident Report Form should be used to report incidents involving sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. A report can be made by any individual who has experienced sexual misconduct, who has been affected by sexual misconduct, or who has knowledge of sexual misconduct happening to or affecting someone else. For more information about options and procedures for reporting or disclosing Title IX incidents of Sexual Misconduct please refer to the Sexual Misconduct Policy in the Vanderbilt Student Handbook. The Incident Report Form may be used to submit anonymous reports. Please also refer to the Sexual Misconduct Policy for confidential and additional anonymous reporting options.  Reports made using this form are referred to the Title IX Office for review. Additional information about available resources can be found on the Project Safe webpage.

Report Discrimination

This Incident Report Form should be used to report acts of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation involving students. For more information about options and procedures for reporting acts of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation, please refer to the Student Discrimination Policy in the Vanderbilt Student Handbook. Reports made using this form are referred to Equal Opportunity and Access for review.

Report General Violations of University Policy (Excluding Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, and Honor Code Violations)

This General Incident Reporting Form should be used to report nonacademic violations of University policy, including but not limited to alcohol or other drug violations, disorderly conduct, vandalism, and theft of property, that do not involve sexual misconduct or acts of discrimination. This form can be used to report incidents involving individual students or student organizations. Reports made using this form are referred to the Student Accountability, Community Standards and Academic Integrity for review. For more information about the student accountability system, visit the Student Accountability Chapter of the Vanderbilt Student Handbook.

Report Hazing

This Hazing Incident Reporting Form should be used to report potential acts of hazing that may violate University policy and/or Tennessee state law. Reports made using this form are referred to the Student Accountability, Community Standards and Academic Integrity and Greek Life, if applicable, for review.

Report an Honor Code Violation Involving an Undergraduate Student

This Undergraduate Honor Code Reporting Form should be used to report potential Honor Code violations to the Undergraduate Honor Council. Reports made using this form are referred to the Student Accountability, Community Standards and Academic Integrity and the Undergraduate Honor Council for review. For more information about the procedures of the Undergraduate Honor Council, please visit the Honor System Chapter of the Vanderbilt Student Handbook. To report an Honor Code violation involving a graduate/professional student, please refer to the appropriate graduate or professional school Honor Council.